Friday 28 September 2012

The Charles Lamb, N1

This pub made CAMRA's Good Beer Guide and I'd never been there despite it being in my postcode. It's also a candidate for post-session pub with my DELTM peers so I thought I'd have a look before I stuck it in a shortlist (sort of assuming it'll be my task, since I'm the local). It has a fairly standard 'nice local' look but with four ales, two from a brewery I'd never previously heard of, it is definitely a cut above the average. The staff were friendly enough and knowledegable when I asked about the beers I didn't know. The Irish bartender didn't bat an eye when another customer, upon hearing that he was from a town south of Dublin, asked whether that was in Northern Ireland (which was more than I managed). The two Bartrams Brewery ales I tried (it is in Suffolk, I've since googled) were good examples of the types: Green Man was a golden ale, not too hoppy, and Rougham Ready a nice best.

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