Thursday 12 January 2012

The Cock Tavern, Somers Town, NW1

The pub sign proudly says 'your friendly local'. It certainly was full of locals, but as my friend and I walked in, we did not exactly receive a friendly welcome, not that it was hostile either. If you want to experience a pub which has barely changed in 30 years, this is one to visit. It's the type of pub you wouldn't expect in zone 1, just off the Euston Road; rather, it's a pub you're more likely to find in the centre of a town in the home counties. The first thing you notice when entering is the distinctive musty smell. Luckily, this soon disappears while you're waiting for your Guinness to settle. The range of ales on tap was limited to the Irish stout and John Smith's. But for the welcoming fire and the black cat, I wouldn't hurry to go back again.

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