Friday 30 December 2011

The Famous Cock, N1

On Highbury Corner, The Famous Cock is a pleasant traditional pub with a few ales, though the Adnams Lighthouse was off (or the pipes needed cleaning). I changed it for a Greene King IPA and left happy enough.

Weltons "Export Stout"

I used to believe pubs opened at 11. Trawling Hoxton, De Beauvoir Town Kingston and Canonbury for something recommended by my Cask Marque app that had commenced business for the day was futile. I ended up at the failsafe Wetherspoons on Highbury Corner, The White Swan.
Comments on the chain are a separate entry but the stout I bought was a thin thing.

Thursday 29 December 2011

Meantime "London Stout"

Meantime has established itself strongly in the eleven years since it was set up in Greenwich, and as well as opening a new brewery last year, now owns a couple of pubs. Its stout is not as creamy as some but the coffee undertone is subtle, which suits me.

Old Nick, WC1R

I was pleasantly surprised to stumble upon this Badger pub (Sandland St WC1R) when out & about on my cycle: it's big and fancy plus it has a great name (even if the lovely chatty Spaniard behind the bar did not know to whom it referred). To find Macchiaaveli honoured in this way certainly caused an inclination in the location of my eyebrows. I tried the festive Pickled Partridge (29th Dec 2011) and thought it adequate if not thrilling. I'll be back here I hope.

The Rugby Tavern, WC1N

A cosy Shepherd Neame pub round a central bar, it only had Master Brew on when I visited for the first time 29/12/11. It's on the corner of Gt James Street & Rugby Street (nearest tube is probably Russell Square) but there are some better ale pubs in the vicinity (The Lamb, The Queen's Larder).
With a real fire burning and other attractive accoutrements (not all rugby related), I was tempted by the staff I saw to believe this must be a female-run pub (and all the better for it). A nice place to "kick back" as my old American mate says.

Wednesday 28 December 2011

The Nags Head, N1

A Smith & Jones pub on Upper Street by the N1 Centre, with three ales on when I visited. I tried the two Caledonian choices: 80 and the Flying Scotsman and chatted a bit with the amiable Italian behind the bar. The pub is stylish enough in its decor and has a few interesting olde london titbits on the walls to amuse.

The Britannia, EC1V

Traditional, friendly boozer on Ironmonger Row with the Xmas decorations up and a post box out. Available papers were all tabloids but the Adnams was run off before being served first thing in the morning.

Tuesday 27 December 2011

Beer Flavour Wheel

I had not seen this before my visit to the Euston Tap but I was impressed and Googled it. I've taken this copy from Flavored Delights and am not sure of its origin at this point. Clearly this wheel was designed to help all those (like me) who struggle to put into words what they taste in the ales they savour. I shall do my best to improve my vocabulary.

The Barnsbury, N1

Great ale effort by new owners, boasting almost 150 real ales since August 2010. I had the three pictured, of which Snickalmas tickled the festive taste buds best. They care about their beers here (and their food, I'd guess, judging by the attention paid to the cutlery polishing) and I will be back. It's on Liverpool Road, N1, and the nearest tube station is probably Highbury & Islington though Angel is an easy and direct walk.

Nethergate's "Frank Incensed"

Popped into my local Wetherspoon's ("The Angel") to try another festive ale. The body was good, the obligatory Xmas pun mediocre. Also had a Tom Wolf's "Jolly Snowman": light and hoppy. If you can fight off the ennui of old men's conversation, every Wetherspoon's has a decent ale to offer.

Theakston's "Old Peculier"

Discussing this blog with a soon-to-be contributor over a few bottles. "The Legend" is a great third choice. According to the label, the "Peculier" in question derives its moniker from the seal of the Peculier of Masham, head of a court set up by an archbishop. I judge OP an old fave.

Friday 23 December 2011

Islington Tap, N1

I went early to recover from Xmas shopping but the London Pride was very disappointing (it has to be for me to leave half) and the Taylor's Landlord was off. Sixty metres up Liverpool Road was a far better option in The Barnsbury.
I shall not return (though the existence of a quiz makes it slightly harder than it otherwise would be). First and last visit.

Thursday 22 December 2011

Euston Tap, NW1

Have been meaning to drop in on this new "craft beer house" (in one remnant of the old arch by Euston station) for a year. They have 19 kegged and 6 cask beers on. A seventh is being chalked up as I type. Oh, and an 8th.
The Odell IPA (7%) I chose is hoppy and not exactly to my liking. Love the place though and foresee summer evenings here in 2012.

Milestone's "Donner and Blitzed"

A festive start to the blog: Milestone's dark full-bodied Xmas ale is available now at Fuller's Doric Arch st Euston Station. The pub is a regular haunt of mine and comes highly recommended as despite being tied there are always dark brews to be supped.


In 2010, back in the capital for 167 days between lengthy jaunts abroad, I resolved to try as many beers and pubs as possible. I managed 350 beers and 300 London pubs in that time. On my return in April 2011, I decided to heed the calling. Tempered by looming paternity, my rate has slowed but that merely necessitates better planning.
This will be a record of all the pubs within the M25 that I visit and the beers I drink, with a focus on the real ales that I come across for the first time.